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5-Week SASA Reading Group: Beyond the Silk Roads

الخميس، ٠٨ يونيو


Zoom Meeting

5-Week Text-In-Translation Reading Group Thursdays at 9 am Eastern Time Led by Mariana Castro.

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5-Week SASA Reading Group: Beyond the Silk Roads
5-Week SASA Reading Group: Beyond the Silk Roads

Time & Location

٠٨ يونيو ٢٠٢٣، ٩:٠٠ ص – ١٠:٠٠ ص غرينتش-٤

Zoom Meeting

About the Event

Considering the ancient and modern development of the so-called” Silk Roads," this reading group proposes an alternative view of global history with a particular focus on Central Asia. This region, despite being frequently overlooked in history textbooks, has played a significant role for thousands of years in the interactions and cultural exchanges between Europe, the Middle East, China, and India. During our sessions, participants will be invited to look beyond the caravans of traders normally associated with the “Silk Roads” and explore different forms of connectivity in ancient Central Asia. To this end, we will consider a variety of primary sources in translation that best illustrate the diverse human experiences involved in processes of globalization in the pre-modern world, from personal letters written by Sogdian merchants to the extraordinary interfaith texts of Dunhuang.

5-Week Text-In-Translation Reading Group

Thursdays at 9:00 am Eastern Time 

Start date: June 8th

End date: July 6th

MUST RSVP TO GET THE ZOOM LINK. The same link will be used for all sessions. 

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