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SASA Art Competition

SASA presents: Our very first ever Art Competition!


Send us your design on any ancient world culture or geographical region for a chance to get your art featured on all merchandise pieces in our Bazaar!


Friends & Enemies

Our theme Friends & Enemies can be broad or as specific as you, the artist, can make it; as long as it has ancient inspiration!

For example, an image that relates to or represents the relationship between two ancient states is applicable, as is an artistic rendition of children playing together with an animal, as is a drawing of an object that would be used by friends e.g. a symposium cup.*

Disclaimer:  The artwork you submit will - if you win - be the property of SASA and can be modified for use on the SASA Bazaar

General Guidelines

This is how it works: Send us your design according to the correct guidelines below, and a selected jury will pick out several winners during our Virtual Conference in August. The winners will then be asked to send us different versions of their work (further guidelines will be provided) and the designs will be printed on all our Bazaar items, along with a shout-out to you! Then, get to see your design come alive and go into the world!

 - Must be 18 years or older to enter

 - You may submit artwork you have created at any time

 - Any nationality / location is welcome to enter as the submission is digital

 - After submission, your work will belong to SASA and can be modified, with your           permission, for use on the Bazaar (adding the SASA logo).

 - Amount of winners will be subject to the quantity and quality of submissions.


-Your design will be permanently showcased on our Bazaar 

-Links to your social media and portfolio will be featured with your designs

-Receive a free piece of merch and a sticker with your design on it


Your artwork will also be featured in SASA campaigns and social media posts to help promote the study of the ancient world, and future SASA Art Competitions. Rest assured that we will credit you in every instance.

The deadline is September 25th, 2021! Tune in to our virtual conference, Opening the Ancient World, on August 16th, 2021 to listen to a short discussion on the competition! 

All entries will be showcased on an official Art Gallery page on our website!

Design Guidelines

 - Accepted print file format: PNG, JPEG

 - Size: Minimum 1200 x 1200 Pixels, needs to be able to scale to fit 1800 x 2400             Pixels, mug design is 1050 x 2700 Pixels for wraparound with logo.

 - Print file resolution: 300 dpi

 - Colour Profile: The final version of your print should be saved in the sRGB colour profile sRGB IEC61966-2.1. You can set the colour profile in the image editing software you are using.

Examples from the SASA Bazaar:


Check out our range of moodboards below to help give you inspiration for your own artwork, and get you started!

Image from iOS.jpg
Image from iOS III.jpg
Image from iOS II.jpg
Image from iOS IV.jpg


What do you classify as Ancient?

Anything from the dawn of humanity to the pre-modern period.

Can I use words or symbols?

We ask that you do not include words and avoid the use of symbols with any attachments to hateful movements (size issue also).

What will my artwork be used for?

Your art will be used on the SASA Bazaar to create exclusive merchandise for SASA, e.g. mugs, T-shirts, stickers, bags etc.

*Still wondering if your idea is appropriate? The answer is probably yes but drop us a message on any of our socials and we will happily let you know for your peace of mind.


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يتم دعم برنامج تعليم Archaeogaming  التابع لـ SASA من خلال المنح المقدمة من طرف NEH وNJCH وجامعة نورث كارولينا.

تعلم المزيد هنا.

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UNC Logo.png

Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this Web resource, do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.


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