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Crewing the Ship: Egypt in Minecraft

السبت، ٢٧ أغسطس


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The Egypt in Minecraft project is the most ambitious project to date to bring the many sites and stories of Egypt to life in an explorable space. Join us as we chat with creator Charley Cooper about this ambitious project!

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Crewing the Ship: Egypt in Minecraft
Crewing the Ship: Egypt in Minecraft

Time & Location

٢٧ أغسطس ٢٠٢٢، ٤:٠٠ م – ٢٨ أغسطس ٢٠٢٢، ٤:٣٠ م

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About the Event

The Egypt in Minecraft project is the most ambitious project to date to bring the many sites and stories of Egypt to life in an explorable space. Through the downloaded pack you can access a Minecraft world containing hundreds of tombs, temples, pyramids, and towns. Some fictional, but most based off real sites and places. As you do so, you can uncover stories about both real and imaginary figures of Ancient Egypt, as well as interesting artifacts to put in your own custom museum. Everything has been waiting in the sands for three-thousand years, and it's up to you how to bring it to life! Join us as we talk with creator Charley Cooper about the ambitious vision they have created with the Egypt in Minecraft project. Hosted by Cassandra May.

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