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الأربعاء، ٠٨ يونيو


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Crewing the Ship: Port Ancient Highlight - By Jove Theatre Company

By Jove tell old stories in new ways. We take myths, pull them apart, and weave them back together for a contemporary audience. We elevate women and LGBTQ+ artists, and work to make theatre representative. Join us for a discussion on the valuable work of By Jove Theatre Company!

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Crewing the Ship: Port Ancient Highlight - By Jove Theatre Company
Crewing the Ship: Port Ancient Highlight - By Jove Theatre Company

Time & Location

٠٨ يونيو ٢٠٢٢، ١:٠٠ م – ٢:٣٠ م غرينتش-٤

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About the Event

By Jove Theatre Company is a London-based theatre collective telling old stories in new ways. By Jove tell old stories in new ways. We take myths, pull them apart, and weave them back together for a contemporary audience. We elevate women and LGBTQ+ artists, and work to make theatre representative for all. Join us as we chat with Dr Christine Plastow - Co-director of By Jove and Lecturer in Classical Studies and one of  a team of seven creatives including poets, playwrights, performers and movement practitioners.

Visit the By Jove Theatre Company -

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