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Crewing the Ship: Port Ancient Highlight - Egypopcult

Join us as we chat with the Abraham I. Fernández Pichel of Egypopcult! Hosted by Dr. Kate Minniti and Parthika Sharma.

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Crewing the Ship: Port Ancient Highlight - Egypopcult
Crewing the Ship: Port Ancient Highlight - Egypopcult

Time & Location

١٩ مارس ٢٠٢٤، ١٢:٠٠ م – ١٢:٣٠ م غرينتش-٤

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About the Event

Join us as we interview our Port Ancient Parter: Egypopcult!

Egypopcult is the only project funded by a public institution focusing on popular culture and Egyptology. It is based at the University of Lisbon and has a multidisciplinary team. The fundamental objective of the project is the insertion of contemporary popular culture into academic studies of the reception of ancient Egypt. Among the main achievements of the project are a database, an international conference, a collective monograph, seminars, activities in secondary schools, the creation of a network of researchers and enthusiasts, interviews in the press, podcasts, and more!

Visit Egypopcult:




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