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Crewing the Ship: Port Ancient Highlight - "The Sun of God"

الخميس، ١١ يوليو


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Join us as we chat with Zoë Tavares Bennett, author of "The Sun of God"! Hosted by Lauren Kubosch.

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Crewing the Ship: Port Ancient Highlight - "The Sun of God"
Crewing the Ship: Port Ancient Highlight - "The Sun of God"

Time & Location

١١ يوليو ٢٠٢٤، ٣:٣٠ م – ٤:٠٠ م غرينتش-٤

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About the Event

Join us as we interview our Port Ancient Parter: Zoe Bennett, author of "The Sun of God"

"The Sun of God" is a historical retelling of Gaius Octavius' rise to power at 19-years-old, following his relationships with Agrippa, Marcus Antonius, Livia, and Octavia. I wish to bring history to life through these relationships, but also bring us closer to history by highlighting their humanity. I hope to open a dialogue between the study of history and our contemporary culture and inspire more people to study ancient history. The Sun of God reminds us that history is not dead and buried or limited to academia, but remains alive by telling the stories of the past in new ways.

Zoë Tavares Bennett - Zoë is a writer based in Los Angeles, California and (sometimes) Lisbon, Portugal. She is the author of the historical novel The Sun of God, which she began writing while studying at the Centro in Rome. Zoë studied Classics at Williams College, specializing in Ancient Greek and Latin, and now enjoys studying Indo-European languages. When she is not reimagining the ancient world, Zoë loves to travel to ancient sites, read Classic and fantasy novels, write about Tolkien, and play tennis.

⚓️ Link to purchase The Sun of God:




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