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Halloween Bash Panel: 'Ancient Undead'

السبت، ٢٦ أكتوبر


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Featuring Dr. Howard Williams of Archaeodeath, Dr. Irina Manea, Brian Smith, and Dr. Martine Diepenbroek. Hosted by Lauren Kubosch.

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Halloween Bash Panel: 'Ancient Undead'
Halloween Bash Panel: 'Ancient Undead'

Time & Location

٢٦ أكتوبر ٢٠٢٤، ١١:٠٠ ص – ١٢:٣٠ م غرينتش-٤

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About the Event

The word "Undead" typically conjures up imagery of brain-eating zombies in our minds, yet “Ancient Undead” encompasses a far broader canvas with ghosts that whisper secrets, mummies wrapped in ancient enigmas, vampires gliding through the shadows, and grotesque skeletons among others. All around the world, mythology brimming with these entities has inspired innumerable tales of horror and fantasy.

Egyptian mummies entombed with jewels guard their final resting places, Norse draugr defend their buried riches, while the Irish banshees serve as a sorrowful symbol of death of a loved one. In Chinese mythology, the jiangshi feeds on the life energy of the living while vetala in India poses riddles to anyone who dares face it. 

Every one of these undead creatures crafts a distinct story that reflects the cultural fears and beliefs, adding to the rich library of legends that captivate and frighten us while serving as a constant reminder of…

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