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السبت، ١٦ ديسمبر


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Masterclass: Old Norse Yule Traditions with Dr. Irina-Maria Manea

Is Santa Claus just Odin in disguise? Join us to find out and learn more about Old Norse Yule Traditions! Hosted by Lauren Kubosch

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Masterclass: Old Norse Yule Traditions with Dr. Irina-Maria Manea
Masterclass: Old Norse Yule Traditions with Dr. Irina-Maria Manea

Time & Location

١٦ ديسمبر ٢٠٢٣، ١٢:٠٠ م – ٢:٠٠ م غرينتش-٥

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About the Event

**Please Note** This is a livestream on our social media channels. To join please head to our Facebook, Twitch or Youtube channels at the time of the stream.

Join SASA and Dr. Irina-Maria Manea to learn more about Old Norse Yule Traditions!

Christmas is that time of the year when periodically more or less accurate comparisons between Christian celebrations and Nordic traditions of Yule pop up, taking the path of very debatable generalizations about Germanic peoples having celebrated a festivity Christians confiscated or that Odin might somehow have been a model for Santa Claus. Let us try to shed some light on such claims, go back to the sources and investigate what Yule or Jol actually meant and how much we can really know about it. Delve into interesting customs such as how breaking a new year resolution could have literally killed you if you were a Viking and more fun stuff. Source-based as usual. Bonus: modern Icelandic traditions and why they're the best.

Follow Irina @irinaskuld (Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok)

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