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SASA Book Club: "Nectar of the Gods" by Liv Albert and Thea Engst

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Featuring Liv Albert Hosted by Alexander Vandewalle

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SASA Book Club: "Nectar of the Gods" by Liv Albert and Thea Engst
SASA Book Club: "Nectar of the Gods" by Liv Albert and Thea Engst

Time & Location

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About the Event

Join us as we interview author Liv Albert and discuss her novel Nectar of the Gods: From Hera's Hurricane to the Appletini of Discord, 75 Mythical Cocktails to Drink Like a Deity, along with a live Q&A!

"In Nectar of the Gods, you can sip Greek mythology-themed drinks while you enjoy your favorite ancient tales (or mythological retellings) with this collection of delicious and fun cocktails written by Liv Albert, host of the popular podcast Let’s Talk About Myths, Baby!. Now you can discover new creations along with all your favorites and drink like the God or Goddess you know you are."

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