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SASA Book Club: The "Forest Wife" Trilogy and "The Moon Riders" by Theresa Tomlinson

السبت، ١٥ يوليو


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With Theresa Tomlinson

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SASA Book Club: The "Forest Wife" Trilogy and "The Moon Riders" by Theresa Tomlinson
SASA Book Club: The "Forest Wife" Trilogy and "The Moon Riders" by Theresa Tomlinson

Time & Location

١٥ يوليو ٢٠٢٣، ١:٠٠ م – ٢:٠٠ م غرينتش-٤

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About the Event

Join us as we interview acclaimed British author Theresa Tomlinson and discuss her various novels including the recently republished "Forest Wife" trilogy and "The Moon Riders" along with a live Q&A!

A powerful retelling of the Robin Hood story, Theresa Tomlinson breathes new life into the story of Robin Hood with The Forest Wife by focusing on the women who live alongside the outlaws and who will heal, feed, help and even fight for those who are suffering under the cruel laws of Medieval England.

And, in The Moon Riders Tomlinson expertly brings to life the legend of the Amazons and sets it against a backdrop of one of the most mythic, imagination-inspiring battles in all of history.

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