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dom 21 de abr


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SASA Book Club: "Horses of Fire: A Novel of Troy" by A. D. Rhine

A SASA livestream with author A. D. Rhine. Hosted by MJ Pankey.

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SASA Book Club: "Horses of Fire: A Novel of Troy" by A. D. Rhine
SASA Book Club: "Horses of Fire: A Novel of Troy" by A. D. Rhine

Time & Location

21 abr 2024, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. GMT-5

Youtube, Facebook, Twitch

About the Event

Join us as we interview A. D. Rhine about their book: "Horses of Fire: A Novel of Troy"

Grab your copy of the book, here - Check out SASA's Bookshop to find discounts on all the books and novels featured during SASA Book Club livestreams! 10% of every book purchased through SASA's bookshop comes directly back to help us Save Ancient Studies!

**Please Note** This is a livestream on our social media channels. 

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About the book: 

"I know the stories they will tell. I've heard the echoes of their songs--songs that will outlive us all. But this song is not theirs. It is mine.

Behind the timeless tale you know is the captivating story you never heard: a sweeping epic in which Troy's strong, yet misunderstood women take center stage in the most famous war in history.

Andromache is cast as the doting wife of Prince Hector, yet her Amazon warrior name means "battler of men." The only one with the cunning to outwit the invading Greeks, she must gather a band of outcasts and become the military commander she was born to be before the life she and Hector have built is reduced to ashes. Rhea is a war refugee and a horse whisperer who finally earns a place and sense of belonging in Hector's stables. To save her new home, she must become an unlikely spy and face down a forbidden love that will test all her loyalties. Helen is blamed by all for starting the Trojan War, but no one knows her real story. To escape her tormentor and foil a plot to undermine Hector, Helen must risk everything by revealing her true face to the one who despises her most.

Set in the wider landscape of the late Bronze Age collapse, this realistic and immersive Troy is a perilous battleground for warriors and politicians alike, not a playground where the fate of men and women make sport for gods and goddesses. The first book in an epic duology, Horses of Fire is a harrowing novel of palace intrigue, the transcendent bond of female friendship, and the everyday bravery of invisible heroes in times of war.

The women of Troy are threads spinning on a single loom. Can they reweave the tapestry of fate?"

About the Author: 

A. D. Rhine is the pseudonym of Ashlee Cowles and Danielle Stinson. The authors are united by their military "brat" upbringing, childhood friendship spanning two decades, and love of classical literature. Ashlee holds graduate degrees in Medieval History from the University of St. Andrews and Theological Studies (with an emphasis in the Ethics of War and Peace) from Duke University. Danielle holds a Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy from Tufts University. Their adult debut Horses of Fire is the book they have always dreamt of writing together.

Visit A. D. Rhine on social media:

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