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Our Mission

Save Ancient Studies Alliance works to promote the study of the Ancient World and engagement with our human deeper pasts. Building a grassroots movement through outreach, collaboration, accessibility, and public scholarship, we work toward our goal of inspiring a wide, inclusive community of scholars, learners, and students.


Our Core Values



As an organization, we believe that regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, nationality, age, race, disability, religion, social or professional status, everyone must be respected for who they are. Everyone has a right to learn, and everyone should be supported in this journey.

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We believe that education, knowledge, and understanding should be open and freely available to all. Our past is something that is owned by all of us. We endeavor to actively share this knowledge with all communities.



We believe that education empowers individuals, communities, and societies. Liberal Arts and the Humanities, including Ancient Studies, is vital to fostering individuals and societies imbued with empathy, compassion, and altruism, as well as creativity, ingenuity, and innovation.



We aspire to the highest quality of content and education. By recruiting experts and insisting that the research and information we disseminate is evidence-based and of a high educational standard, we ensure the most accurate possible representation and interpretation of past peoples and histories.

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Lifelong Scholarship

Intellectual engagement is a lifelong pursuit, and we support this ongoing quest for knowledge, awareness, and meaning through Ancient Studies. Ancient Studies can be enjoyed and pursued by people of all ages and backgrounds, and all should be accepted as participants in excellent scholarly discussion regardless of background, occupation, or means. The current model of restrictive membership must change to an open, inclusive community.



All our volunteers have a deep-seated passion for the Study of the Ancient World. This passion permeates and drives all that we do. We hope to impart this passion, and inspire others with curiosity, positivity, and intrepid action in working toward positive change. Only by working together can we achieve our goals and Save Ancient Studies!

Walkin' the Walk

As individuals and as an organization, the SASA Team values inclusivity, collaboration, diversity, compassion, integrity, respect, transparency, equality, innovation, and excellence in everything we do. SASA aims to model the behaviors and exemplify the attitudes that we wish to share with others.


We highly value volunteerism as a means of giving back to one another and the community at large. We also believe that people who contribute to an organization in a regular and ongoing manner deserve financial support and recognition for their time and work. Currently most of SASA’s full-time staff and volunteers are unpaid. We are dedicated to providing all our volunteers with the necessary tools to succeed, and so we have been, currently are, and will continue to, actively seek funding to pay our talented and dedicated volunteers.


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El programa educativo de Archaeogaming de SASA está
subvencionado por el NJCH y la Universidad de Carolina del Norte.

Descrube más aqui .

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Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this Web resource, do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.


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