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dom 12 de feb


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SASA Book Club: "Stone Blind" by Natalie Haynes

Featuring Natalie Haynes. Hosted by Cassandra May. "This is the story of how a young woman became a monster. And how she was never really a monster at all." Join us as we discuss author, comedian and classicist Natalie Haynes' retelling of the Medusa myth.

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SASA Book Club: "Stone Blind" by Natalie Haynes
SASA Book Club: "Stone Blind" by Natalie Haynes

Time & Location

12 feb 2023, 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. GMT-5

Youtube, Facebook, Twitch

About the Event

Join us as we discuss author Natalie Haynes' retelling of the Medusa myth along with a live Q&A!

In Stone Blind, classicist and comedian Natalie Haynes turns our understanding of this legendary myth on its head, bringing empathy and nuance to one of the earliest stories in which a woman—injured by a powerful man—is blamed, punished, and monstered for the assault. Delving into the origins of this mythic tale, Haynes revitalizes and reconstructs Medusa’s story with her passion and fierce wit, offering a timely retelling of this classic myth that speaks to us today.

This is a live stream event, where anyone can send questions and comments in the chat! 

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