Coalition of Ancient Studies Organizations
CASO Goals
To bring together our organizations and their memberships and constituencies to work together on projects promoting public outreach, advocacy, and greater access to Ancient Studies.
To create a broader platform for our fields in order to engage with national humanities advocacy organizations and further the cause of Ancient Studies within the Humanities.
We urge other learned societies whose areas of study include the ancient past to join CASO.
Lives in Ancient Studies
An Advocacy Project of Alumni Video Testimonials of Closed or Threatened Departments
- Collect video-recorded stories of alumni of closed and threatened Ancient Studies departments
- Present them as living proof of the deep value of these departments and fields to their former students, schools, and communities
If you studied in a closed or threatened department, please share your story with us. Click the button below and fill out the form to request a link to provide your video testimonial.
Ancient Studies Teacher-Professor
Exchange Program
Supporting Excellent Teaching at All Levels
Establish a network of teachers and professors from all educational levels and in all Ancient Studies fields
Create personal matches between teachers and professors to improve the engaged teaching of all
Coming this Winter!
Member Organization Responsibilities
Member organizations in CASO share the responsibilities of
Participating in joint CASO projects by providing time in support of their development by SASA and promoting them to their memberships
Helping to create new joint CASO projects
Helping in unified advocacy for Ancient Studies
Assisting SASA Projects
CASO is assisting and supporting the development of the following SASA projects:
Collecting Online Resources for Ancient Studies
Collecting all Available Programs in Ancient Studies
Collecting all Available Fellowships for Students Interested in Ancient Studies
Survey on Entry Paths into Ancient Studies
Future Projects
Providing CEUs to educators for Online Videos that Members Organizations have produced
We envision a successful Coalition of Ancient Studies Organizations (CASO) as creating a broader platform for our fields in order to engage with national humanities advocacy organizations.
We welcome other learned societies whose areas of study at least partially overlap with the ancient past to join CASO. Member organizations in CASO share the responsibility of participating in joint CASO projects and in helping further CASO.
To inquire about CASO, please contact SASA’s Director, David Danzig: daviddanzig@saveancientstudies.org