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SASA Reading Groups
& Master Classes
Together with you, we are proud to celebrate
SASA's 5th Year of Reading Groups!
Applications are Now Open for Winter 2025 Master Class Leaders!
SASA is seeking 3 Master Class Leaders
(Paid Position)
2 English led Master Classes
1 Arabic led Master Class
Lead a one-time 2 hour discussion group via Zoom on an ancient history topic of the Group Leader’s choice
Made possible by a grant from the Society for Classical Studies
Click the PDF below to read more details about the position:
English Arabic
Links to the application forms are provided in the above PDFS.
Through this project, we aim to continue to open the world of Ancient Studies to students in high school, college and beyond. Each group is led by a SASA Educational Ambassador, a dedicated PhD student specialising in that particular area of study.
Groups are set up as informal discussion sessions in which participants examine the themes and ideas in the weekly readings, as guided by the Educational Ambassador.
Reading materials are supplied in digital format by the Educational Ambassador several days in advance of each meeting to allow participants to prepare for discussion during the live session, hosted on Zoom.
SASA Reading Group & Master Class Archive
(Click the image to view the Live Syllabus, when available from groups!)

Long ago, in a Galaxy Called the Milky Way: Creation Stories Around the World
Led by Shane M. Thompson

Exodus, Exile, and Immigration in the Old Testament
Led by Eric Trinka, PhD.
SASA Master Classes
SASA’s Master Classes are free, online discussion groups of ancient texts-in-translation led by early career scholars and doctoral students. Each Master Class is a single 2-hour workshop session. This program makes in-depth discussion of fascinating ancient studies topics accessible to anyone, anywhere. Each Master Class is focused on a specific culture and/or theme within ancient studies. Master Class Leaders facilitate online discussions over Zoom with a group of 20-30 individuals on select texts and share their love for ancient studies. Each group typically has a diverse variety of international participants with different backgrounds, ages, and educational levels. These Master Classes provide open opportunities for participants to explore broad-ranging ideas and delve into intricate details with expert discussion leaders.
Master Classes 2021
Led by Anna Accettola
Led by Luiza Silva and Theresa Tiliakos
Led by Catherine Nuckols-Wilde, Emily Davis-Hale and Ruben Morales Forte
Master Classes 2022
Master Classes 2023
Master Classes 2024
Email us now to find out more about becoming a
SASA Educational Ambassador
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