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SASA Reading Groups
& Master Classes

Together with you, we are proud to celebrate
SASA's 5th Year of Reading Groups!

Applications are Now Open for Winter 2025 Master Class Leaders!

SASA is seeking 3 Master Class Leaders

(Paid Position)

  • 2 English led Master Classes

  • 1 Arabic led Master Class

  • Lead a one-time 2 hour discussion group via Zoom on an ancient history topic of the Group Leader’s choice

  • Made possible by a grant from the Society for Classical Studies

Click the PDF below to read more details about the position:

English                         Arabic

Links to the application forms are provided in the above PDFS.

SASA Reading Groups are proud to be sponsored by

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Through this project, we aim to continue to open the world of Ancient Studies to students in high school, college and beyond. Each group is led by a SASA Educational Ambassador, a dedicated PhD student specialising in that particular area of study.

Groups are set up as informal discussion sessions in which participants examine the themes and ideas in the weekly readings, as guided by the Educational Ambassador.

Reading materials are supplied in digital format by the Educational Ambassador several days in advance of each meeting to allow participants to prepare for discussion during the live session, hosted on Zoom.

SASA Reading Group & Master Class Archive

(Click the image to view the Live Syllabus, when available from groups!)

The Search for the Golden Fleece: Jason and the Argonauts

Led by John Haberstroh


A Brief Introduction to Maya Hieroglyphic Writing

Led by Catherine Wilde

Politics Past and Present: The (Non)Difference

Led by Georgina Longley

Loving, Losing, Remembering: Kālidāsa’s The Recognition of Śakuntalā

​​Led by Tuhin Bhattacharjee

An Introduction to Ancient Near-Eastern Music ‘Theory’: Understanding Musical Inscriptions

​​Led by Dylan Gibson 

Gifts, Leadership, and Survival: A Journey Through the Persian Empire with Xenophon

Led by John Haberstroh

Taking Care of Egypt, Taking Care of the Home: The Power of Elite and Royal Women

Led by Luiza Silva

Long ago, in a Galaxy Called the Milky Way: Creation Stories Around the World

Led by Shane M. Thompson

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The Ancient Library of the Dead Sea Scrolls

Led by Tine Rassalle

“In Their Proper Place": Women in Ancient Egypt

Led by Theresa Tiliakos

Gilgamesh Flood Story

Led by Martin Worthington  


Something Wicked? 
An Introduction to Greco-Roman Magic


Led by James Gilmer

The Ancient Olympic Games

Led by John Haberstroh

Representations of “the Other” in ancient Egyptian literature

​​Led by Kate Minniti & Briana Jackson

Arrian’s ‘Anabasis’ 
The Campaigns of Alexander the Great

​​Led by Meg Finlayson 

Queering Myth: Oedipus in Antiquity & Today

​​Led by Yoandy Cabrera Ortega

Griekse Oud Beeldhouwwerk van Warrior

Secret Communication in the Ancient World

Led by Martine Diepenbroek

Durga Indian Goddess
What was the Ancient Indian Religion?

Led by Pratishtha Mukherjee


Understanding the Vikings through their texts

Led by Lillian Cespedes Gonzalez


The Tragic in Ancient Sanskrit & Greek Drama​

Led by Tuhin Bhattacharjee

Heroes and Gods in Greek Mythology

Led by Kate Minniti

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Perspectives on Roman Women

​​Led by Victoria Muccilli

Image by Gabriel Varaljay
From Soapy Slaughter to Soap Opera

​​Led by Georgina Longley 

Women and Power in Ancient Turkey: Hittite Queens and Queenship

Led by Michael Moore.

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Silicon Valleys of the Ancient World: Ancient Technology, Metals and Mining

Led by Sara Quaggio 

Gods, Ghosts, and Graves: Archaeology of Religions

Led by Bruno Soltic

Pharaoh Triumphant: Power Politics in Ancient Egypt

​​Led by Luiza Silva

Exodus, Exile, and Immigration in the Old Testament

​​Led by Eric Trinka, PhD.

Secret Knowledge of the Doctor: Health and Medicine in the Ancient World

​​Led by Dr. Casey Kirkpatrick

Lazarus Rising: The Tenth Century Byzantine Military Renaissance

Led by James Gilmer  

Maya Myths in Art & Writing

Led by Catherine Wilde

Food & Feasting in the Ancient World

Led by Michael Moore

The Making of a “Bad” Emperor: 
Tyrants and Hedonists?

​​Led by Victoria Muccilli

Ancient Egypt in Africa

​​Led by Tawala Adodo

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Egyptian Gods

Led by Kate Minniti and Brianna Jackson

Ancient Maya Culture

Led by Catherine Nuckols-Wilde

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Life and Time in Persia

Led by John Haberstroh and Babette Margolies

Ancients Coins
Trade in Sumerian Mythology

Led by Sara Quaggio

Image by Tingey Injury Law Firm
Literatura y Filosofía en la antigua Grecia: de los Presocráticos a Platón

Led by Javier Maldonado Fernández

Geruïneerd Oude architectuur
Hidden in Plain Sight: Slaves in Roman Society

Led by Jamie Young

World History Class
World History through the Environment

Led by Gregory Allan Viesmann Jr.

Ancient Maya Culture

Led by Charlotte Dietrich

Secret Carvings: Homer's story of Bellerophon

Led by Martine Diepenbroek

Hieroglyphic Stelae

Led by Catherine Nuckols-Wilde & Stacey Davidson

Image by Tingey Injury Law Firm
Power and Justice in the Ancient World

Led by Michael Moore

Caro Tresque: Roman and Southern Cuisine

Led by Molly Stevens

Hebrew Writings
She Who Wrote: Enheduanna and Women of Mesopotamia

Led by Nicole Leist

ābhūṣaṇāni- The Ancient Indian Ornament

Led by Pratishtha Mukherjee

Image by Sharon Pittaway
True Colors: Reading the Ancient Mediterranean Through Color

Led by Rachael Goldman

Atoms and Void: Lucretius’ On the Nature of Things

Led by Kenneth Connally

Beyond the Silk Roads

Led by Mariana Castro

Curse Tablets: Personal Communication with the Dead and the Gods in the Ancient World

Led by Charlotte Spence

Defying the Gods and Forgotten Female Rage: The Epics

Led by Naomi Moralez-Glenn

From Harlots to Heroines: Royal Women in the Hebrew Bible

Led by Karina Atudosie

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Is this your neighbor, is this you? Looking at others and ourselves in Theophrastus’ Characters

Led by John Haberstroh

Mother, Murderer: Medeas in Antiquity and Beyond

Led by Sophia Elzie

Painted Stories: Reading Maya Mythology in Codex-Style Ceramics

Led by Catherine Nuckols

Queer Lives and Loves in Ancient History

Led by Yentl Love

Reading the Abbasid Past: History and Islamic Heritage

Led by Sara Ann Knutson

She's Just Not That Into You: Unrequited Love in Antiquity

Led by Jessica Lugo

The Alexander Romance

Led by Guendalina Daniela Maria Taietti

The Pyramid Texts: The Earliest Ancient Egyptian Rituals

Led by Brendan Hainline

Tomb Robberies in Ancient Egypt: Prevention, Persecution, and Punishment

Led by Julian Posch

True Stories: Classical Sci-Fi and Fantasy

Led by Molly Anderson Stevens

Unlocking Beowulf

Led by Dr Lillian Cespedes Gonzalez

SASA Master Classes

SASA’s Master Classes are free, online discussion groups of ancient texts-in-translation led by early career scholars and doctoral students. Each Master Class is a single 2-hour workshop session. This program makes in-depth discussion of fascinating ancient studies topics accessible to anyone, anywhere. Each Master Class is focused on a specific culture and/or theme within ancient studies. Master Class Leaders facilitate online discussions over Zoom with a group of 20-30 individuals on select texts and share their love for ancient studies. Each group typically has a diverse variety of international participants with different backgrounds, ages, and educational levels. These Master Classes provide open opportunities for participants to explore broad-ranging ideas and delve into intricate details with expert discussion leaders.

Master Classes 2021

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Led by Dr Martin Worthington

Image by Marv Watson

Led by Catherine Nuckols-Wilde, Emily Davis-Hale and Ruben Morales Forte

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Death, Dying, and the Dreary Underworld of Mesopotamia

Led by Dr. Petra Creamer

Image by Krisjanis Mezulis
The Gods and Myths of the Picts

Led by Dr. Kelly Kilpatrick

Image by Lei Mu
Mesopotamian Monsters at the Morgan Library & Museum

Led by Nicole Leist

Master Classes 2022

Master Classes 2023


Led by Catherine Nuckols-Wilde and Stacy Davidson

Master Classes 2024

Antichi Colori: Getting to the Sources of Ancient Dyes and Pigments

Led by Rachel B Goldman


Led by Dr. Irina-Maria Manea

Bar Hopping BCE

Led by Molly Anderson Stevens


Led by Rimi Nandy

The Sculptures of Ancient India

Led by Pratishtha Mukherjee

Email us now to find out more about becoming a

SASA Educational Ambassador


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SASA's Archaeogaming Education Program is supported by grants from NEH, NJCH, and University of North Carolina.

Learn more here.

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Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this Web resource, do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.


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