SASA Bazaar
SASA Bazaar FAQs
What is SASA’s return policy?
Due to the nature of our Bazaar operating as a donation hub, we are unable to refund returns of items. Please take an extra minute when making a donation to ensure you have made the selection you wish to donate.
May I choose to remain anonymous when I make a donation?
Yes. Let us know in the comment screen when you make a donation if you wish your gift to be anonymous.
How will my name appear on the website?
Names will be listed with a first initial and full last name. If you wish to be listed in any other way please include a comment with your donation.
How will the gift benefits be distributed?
To receive the Cooking Class, Virtual Tour, Virtual Roundtable, and Master Class, you must be able to access the video program Zoom through a phone, tablet, or laptop. The physical objects will be mailed out through our 3rd party distributor Printful within five business days
Is my donation tax deductible?
SASA is a registered 503c organization and as such all or a portion of your donation may qualify as tax deductible. The exact amount will be sent to you by email - look for the tax deductible language within the body of the email.
Who should I contact if I have any problems?
Please reach out to SASA’s Fundraising Team Leader, Tine Rassalle via trassalle@saveancientstudies.org