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SASA Awarded $15,000 Grant from NJCH


SASA is honored to announce that we have been awarded a $15,000 grant from the New Jersey Council for the Humanities. With this grant, we intend on creating two new Archaeogaming Educational Modules (AEMs). These modules combine the engagement of interactive gaming with the study of the Ancient World, helping introduce Ancient Studies to young people in an educational environment. Last year, we were able to produce four new modules with the NJCH grant, and we are excited to create even more.

The NJCH grant funds our research and production, enabling us to distribute the learning materials associated with our AEMs for free. As such, we can fulfill our goal of improving access to Ancient Studies for all. The grant additionally allows us to use contemporary technology to create high-quality resources and provide opportunities for early career scholars to gain critical experience by helping us develop the lessons.

Thank you, New Jersey Council for the Humanities! You make our mission of channeling interest in the Ancient World and promoting access to Ancient Studies possible. And, of course, we thank our Archaeogaming Educational Module users for their continued support.

If you are an educator who is interested in our existing Archaeogaming Educational Modules, please sign up to receive them for free.


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