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SASA is Awarded the Wenner-Gren Foundation Grant

Save Ancient Studies Alliance (SASA) is delighted to announce that we have been awarded a $20,000 grant for our 2024 Virtual Conference! The SASA 2024 Virtual Conference, Representations of the Past in Ancient and Modern Times, will be supported by the Wenner-Gren Foundation. This grant is the second largest SASA has received to date. With the substantial budget for advertising, we aim to surpass the number of 10,000 participants last year and achieve viewership over 30,000!

The Wenner-Gren Foundation has been committed to fostering the field and academics of anthropology since 1941 through efforts such as Current Anthropology, the leading broad-based journal on anthropological scholarship and research; similarly, in 2016 the independent magazine Sapiens was launched in partnership with the University of Chicago Press. The grant marks the beginning of a thrilling relationship with a leading anthropological foundation, and the furthering of the SASA mission to bring Ancient Studies to wider audiences.

The 2024 conference is scheduled for July 21-22, 2024. The grant rules do not allow payments for staff, so we will be relying on our wonderful volunteers and Virtual Conference Team Leader Anh Nguyen to lead the preparations! One of the many exciting things to come is the implementation of live interpretation into both Spanish and Arabic, allowing speakers of those languages to participate fully.

We will be making further announcements in the coming weeks. In the meantime, we are excited to host this year's Virtual Conference Discovery, Science, and Technology in the Ancient World: Traditions and Innovations on July 24th and the 25th. This year, we will be joined by four keynote speakers: Dr. Adrienne Mayor, Dr. Gerardo Aldana, Dr. Geoffrey Killen and Dr. Alexander Jones. If you are looking to present, abstract submissions are due by March 31st, 2023. Click this link for more information.

Disclaimer: Save Ancient Studies Alliance is a non-profit organization under IRS code section 501(c)3, dedicated to reversing the downward trend in Ancient Studies education and scholarship. For more information or to get involved, please contact David Danzig at


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SASA's Archaeogaming Education Program is supported by grants from NEH, NJCH, and University of North Carolina.

Learn more here.

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