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Welcoming our newest SASA Ambassador, Dr. Barbara A. Porter!

SASA would like to extend a warm welcome to our newest SASA Ambassador, Dr. Barbara A. Porter. SASA ambassadors, influential Ancient Studies advocates, are an exceptionally important part of our team. They help us spread our mission far and wide and assist in SASA’s fundraising. Dr. Porter is the latest addition to our Ambassadorial team and her years of experience and wide range of connections will aid in fostering the growth of our organization.

Early in her career, Dr. Porter led archaeological tours from Algeria to Iran. In 2006, Dr. Porter began her fourteen year long career as the director of the American Center of Oriental Research (ACOR) in Jordan. She has gained extensive knowledge on the current culture of Jordan, as well as its archaeology and history.

Dr. Porter grew up in Lebanon, and returned several times to the country as part of her work with the American Community School at Beirut. She received her A.B. from Bryn Mawr College and her M.A. M. Phil, and PhD. from the Department of Art History and Archaeology at Columbia University.

From her time working at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, to teaching at New York University, Dr. Porter has shared her vast knowledge of the historical world. The focus of her dissertation was on Syrian cylinder seals from the Middle Bronze Age.

We are incredibly excited to welcome Dr. Porter to the team in a formal capacity and we are very much looking forward to her work with us. Her work will support our growth and development as SASA continues onward and upward in our mission to promote Ancient Studies, by helping us reach our fundraising goals and expanding our network of public advocates.


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SASA's Archaeogaming Education Program is supported by grants from NEH, NJCH, and University of North Carolina.

Learn more here.

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