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Sponsor a Summer 2022 Reading Group! Over 150 people participated in our Summer Reading groups and your donation will enable us to bring this program back again. After participating in the Immigration in the Hebrew Bible Group this year, Magdalena Lazarevska said: "It was a wonderful experience being part of this Reading Group. I definitely and lovingly support SASA's activities as well as the sincere effort and enthusiasm of all the team members to promote ancient studies as a field of personal development for many young (and not so young) people... I'm looking forward to many other opportunities of participation in SASA activities."


In addition, you will have the opportunity to collaborate with us to choose the topic of a Reading Group AND your name will be highlighted as the sponsor of the session.


Donors at this level will be recognized with the title of "Noble."


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Sponsor Summer 2022 Reading Group



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    SASA's Archaeogaming Education Program is supported by grants from NEH, NJCH, and University of North Carolina.

    Learn more here.

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